

Teens often experience pressure and competition in the activities they choose – martial arts, sports, academics. Music can create such a different experience for them.

Here at Hope & Joy Music Academy teens find a way to express themselves through music, boost their self-confidence, and experience personal success on a weekly basis. Our environment is free from competition and pressure as each student works at his/her own pace, the perfect pace, to grow as a musician.

We like to have fun while learning!


Well-Rounded Approach and Variety of Options

Your lessons are tailored to your interests and goals, and sessions can cover everything from technique to reading music, from improvisation to ear training. You have the opportunity to learn how to play your favorite styles of music: jazz, classical, rock, pop, country, and others.


Performance Opportunities

We know that performing causes musicians to grow and gives an outlet to share what they have been practicing and working on. From nursing homes and retirement centers to more formal recitals, our students have the opportunity to perform in a variety of settings.


Our Commitment to Our Students


  • do our part to help the student succeed in reaching his/her musical goals
  • provide a professional studio environment conducive to learning and music-making.
  • teach the student how to practice effectively.
  • arrange adequate performance opportunities for the student in the form of recitals, master classes, etc.
  • use a well-rounded approach to teaching that includes music theory, proper technique, repertoire, functional instrument skills, and more.
  • teach the individual and adjust our teaching approach to his/her needs, strengths, and weaknesses.
  • provide a positive and fun atmosphere where learning will happen and beautiful music will be made!


As a student at Hope & Joy Music Academy, you will gain a greater confidence, understanding, and appreciation of music.


We look forward to helping you become the musician you’ve always wanted to be!

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