

Many kids don’t enjoy their time in the school classroom. They struggle to learn, are bored because they aren’t interested in the subjects being taught, the teacher moves too quickly or too slow for the child, and overall it feels like a drudgery.


Music lessons are a breath of fresh air for kids.

Kids get to explore music they are interested in, move at a pace that is perfect for them – not too fast or too slow – and gain the support to understand new concepts with ease and simplicity.

In fact, students learn to take ownership for their progress and learn to focus longer, which translates to doing better in school.


Students at Hope & Joy Music Academy enjoy how quickly they progress to be able to play the music they like.

Kids enjoy the rewards of learning new skills and how many songs they learn. Kids love sharing their growth with friends and family in performances.


At Hope & Joy Music Academy, students…

  • Learn to play piano and develop musical skill.
  • Learn to read music – students are sight-reading on the staff within just 3 months of starting lessons!
  • Learn all their music in the lesson – so home practice is much easier with fewer fights at home.
  • Learn new concepts with ease and simplicity.
    • Move at a pace that is perfect for them – not too fast or too slow
    • Are excited for how many songs they learn & enjoy quick progress,
    • Move fast through their books, with many completing 2-3 times faster than in traditional lessons.
  • Take ownership for their progress and develop better focus
  • Explore music they are interested in & experience the reward of learning new skills
  • Love sharing their growth with friends and family in performances.


Our Accelerated Music Program offers families enjoyable and engaging piano lessons. Each week students enjoy:

  1. One-hour, weekly lessons – Students have more time with the teacher, develop consistent habits, and make progress through their books 2-3 times faster than the average pace. Students are reading music on the staff within 3 months!
  2. Learning all music at the lesson – so home practice is easier for students and requires less nagging from parents.
  3. Performing regularly at recitals and other performances – Within 6 months, and sometimes even as early as a few weeks, of starting lessons. Students get to experience the rewards of commitment early in their music education. They learn to musically express themselves and work toward a goal.
  4. Royal Conservatory of Music exams – Students are encouraged to enter the RCM exams within their first year. All our students who have taken the exams pass the exam. We regularly have the top performing pianists in our city.


Sign up for a free consultation lesson where you can get a taste of our lesson experience.


It’s easy to get started:

  1. Click here
  2. Fill out the form
  3. We’ll give you a call and schedule your free consultation lesson at a time that is convenient for you.

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